Confused about careers? Take 3 easy steps in 10 minutes for instant clarity!

4 min read

What do you want to be when you grow up?

All of us have been asked this question as kids. Throughout school years, students know that they are preparing to become ‘something’ in life. But for many, knowing what this ‘something’ is can be overwhelming.

Choosing one’s ideal career path can be daunting for many due to reasons like lack of clarity about who they are, lack of information about courses, campuses, careers and lack of expert guidance. (graphic credit: ICS)

Why is choosing a career so daunting?

Some common reasons are:
1. Lack of clarity about who you are, which leads to confusion and stress
2. Lack of awareness about educational choices and career paths
3. Lack of skilled career guidance services essential to know yourself better and navigate these paths

Grappling with the above-mentioned problems? Need career clarity? Click below and install ICS Career GPS, now!

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Download our mobile app, ICS Career GPS, a one-stop career guidance platform.

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But what if you had your own Dynamic Career GPS?

ICS Career GPS is a one-stop platform for students, giving them access to a wide range of career guidance services. (graphic credit: ICS)

Ever wondered if you had access to a ‘super platform’ that could be your personal Career GPS — guiding you to choices best suited to your personality, aptitudes, interests, talents and aspirations?

If so, try out the ICS Career GPS, a unique mobile app that helps you arrive at your best career fit — choices curated for you for a successful educational and career path — in 3 easy steps.

This app has been put together by career guidance counsellors with over 35 years of expertise and extensive experience in the field.

3 Steps is all it takes!

* Know Yourself

An expertly put together process, which includes a career interest test and a personality assessment, helps you understand yourself and your aptitudes and interests better. Within 10 minutes, you have your interim career report in front of you — outlining a maximum of four career fields that are best suited for you.

* Inform Yourself

Know about the latest trends regarding courses, campuses and careers. (graphic credit: ICS)

Once you have your interim career report, you can explore a treasure of information on the app, including courses, campuses, emerging trends/ new specializations, career pathways, trailblazers in your chosen fields and much more.

hat’s not all. You can contact ICS experts and book an appointment at a time of your convenience to understand this information better.

* Plan for Yourself

It’s important to be future ready: Focus on the right course at the right campus while charting your career pathways. (graphic credit: ICS)

Armed with knowledge about yourself and the latest information about courses and campuses in India, USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, other countries in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, you will be able to plan your career journey in the best possible way.

If you need hand-holding, discussions, mentoring or any other support while charting your career path, remember, ICS experts are just a click away!

So, click below and install ICS Career GPS. Start your career journey, NOW!

Content Credit: Team ICS

Edited by: Ms Sanchita Dwivedi

Download our mobile app, ICS Career GPS, a one-stop career guidance platform.

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